Questo studio prende in esame le testimonianze archeologiche, epigrafiche, letterarie e numismatiche dei culti dei fondatori nelle colonie greche dell’Italia meridionale e della Sicilia. Si riteneva che diversi dei e dee avessero avuto un ruolo nel processo di colonizzazione; tuttavia, Apollo è considerato il principale dio della colonizzazione. I coloni di questi insediamenti d’oltremare erano guidati dagli oikistes (ecisti), che si credeva fossero stati incaricati da Apollo.
Il coinvolgimento di Apollo di Delfi nella colonizzazione potrebbe essere stato un fenomeno successivo, poiché le fonti antiche che si riferiscono a lui come un dio della colonizzazione risalgono a un periodo successivo e la maggior parte delle testimonianze degli oracoli della colonizzazione sono postumi. Indipendentemente da ciò, si riteneva che molte delle colonie dell’Italia meridionale e della Sicilia fossero state fondate sotto la guida di Apollo.
Mentre questo studio ha trovato una chiara relazione tra le tradizioni religiose dei culti di Apollo nelle colonie dell’Italia meridionale e della Sicilia, l’influenza di Delfi sull’istituzione e sulla natura di questi culti è più ambigua. Le prove disponibili indicano che Apollo non era comunemente adorato come dio fondatore, ma piuttosto era visto come un simbolico fondatore della colonia. Tuttavia, ci sono prove che l’eroe fondatore morto, l’oikistes, fosse adorato nell’agorà. Mentre il culto del fondatore potrebbe essere stato stabilito all’inizio della storia della colonia, la “sepoltura” di questa figura nell’agorà sembra essere stata un fenomeno successivo, forse introdotto intorno al 600 a.C. Vari sovrani, inclusi i tiranni Deinomenidi, Dionisio II e Timoleone, utilizzarono il culto del fondatore per vantaggi politici.
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables xiii
List of Figures xiv
List of Abbreviations ix
A Note on Spelling xii
Acknowledgements xvi
Dedication xvii
Introduction 1
The Problem 1
Previous Scholarship and Approaches 2
The Scope of the Présent Project 7
Chapter One 1 -The Process of Colonization 10
Introduction 10
Methodology and Associated Problems 10
The Phenomenon of Colonization 11
Founding Gods 14
i) Apollo 14
ii) Hera 15
iii) Poséidon and Zeus 16
Oracles and Colonization 17
i) The Delphic Oracle 18
ii) The Oracle of Zeus Naios at Dodona 26
iii) The Oracle of Apollo at Didyma 29
iv) The Oracle of Apollo at Delos 31
Greek Gods and Navigation 33
i) Poséidon 38
ii) Hera 41
iii) Zeus 45
iv) Aphrodite 47
v) Athena 48
vi) Apollo 49
vi) Other Gods 52
The Establishment of the Settlement 53
Survival inNewLands 55
i) Agriculture and Procréation 56
ii) Defending the Settlement 57
iii) Interaction with Other Greeks and Native Populations 61
Discussion 62
Conclusions 64
Chapter Two – The Cuits of Apollo in Southern Italy and Sicily 65
Introduction 65
Methodology and Associated Problems 65
Part One – Euboean, Korinthian and Spartan Colonies, Sub-Colonies, and Later
Foundations 69
Euboean Colonies, Sub-Colonies and Later Foundations 69
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo in the Metropolis 69
The Foundation of Kyme and Neapolis 72
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Kyme 74
i) The Sanctuary of Apollo 74
ii) An Oracle of Apollo? 77
iii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage? 78
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Neapolis 79
i) Inscriptions 79
ii) A Cuit Statue of Apollo 79
iii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 79
Kyme, Neapolis, and Delphi 80
The Foundation of Naxos, Leontini, and Katane 80
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Naxos 81
i) Apollo Archêgetës 81
ii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 83
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo atLeonini 83
i) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 83
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Katane 83
i) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 83
Naxos, Leontini, Katane, and Delphi 84
The Foundation ofRhegion 84
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Rhegion 85
i) Temples of Apollo? 85
ii) Apollo Daphnêphoros? 88
iii) Extra-Urban Sanctuary of Apollo? 89
iv) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 89
Rhegion and Delphi 89
The Late Foundation of Tauromenion 90
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Tauromenion 91
i) Apollo Archêgetës 91
ii) Apollo Karneios 92
iii) Other Apolline Images on Coinage 92
The Korinthian Colony of Syracuse, her Sub-Colonies, and Later Foundations 92
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo in the Metropolis 92
The Foundation of Syracuse and her Sub-Colonies 99
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo Syracuse 101
i) The Temple of Apollo on Ortygia 101
ii) Apollo Temenitës 111
iii) Apollo Karneios 116
iv) Apollo Paianos 116
v) Apollo in Achradina? 117
vi) Apollo Musagetës 118
vii) Apollo and the Nymphs 118
viii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 119
ix) Apollo, the Syracusan Tyrants, and Timoleon 120
The Evidence for the Cuit of Apollo at Akrai 123
The Evidence for the Cuit of Apollo Patroios at Kamarina 125
Syracuse, Helorus, Kamarina, and Delphi 126
The Late Foundation of Tyndaris by Dionysius I of Syracuse 128
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Tyndaris 128
The Spartan Colony of Taras and her Sub-Colony Herakleia 129
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo in the Metropolis 129
The Foundation of Taras and Siris-Herakleia 136
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Taras 139
i) Apollo Hyakinthos 139
ii) Apollo Aleus 145
iii) Apollo Karneios! 146
iv) Apollo Myopis/Smintheus! 148
v) A Tarantine Dedication to Apollo 149
vi) Artifacts from Taras Possibly Associated with Apollo 149
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Herakleia 150
i) A Shrine of Apollo? 150
ii) Apollo Hyakinthos 152
Taras, Herakleia, and Delphi 152
Conclusions – The Cuits of Apollo at Euboean, Korinthian, and Spartan Colonies, Sub-
Colonies, and Later Foundations 153
Part Two – Rhodian-Kretan, Achaean, Megarian, and Phokean Colonies, Sub-
Colonies, Later Foundations, and Mixed Settlements 158
The Rhodian-Kretan Colony of Gela, her Sub-Colony, and Later Foundation 158
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo in the Metropoleis 158
The Foundation of Gela and Akragas 160
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Gela 163
i) A Sanctuary and/or Statue of Apollo? 163
ii) Apollo Karneios? 164
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Akragas 164
i) A Statue of Apollo 164
ii) Apollo Karneios 164
Gela, Akragas, and Delphi 164
The Late Foundation of Phintias 165
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Phintias 166
i) Apollo Karneios? 166
ii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 166
Achaean Colonies, Sub-Colonies, and Later Foundations 167
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo in the Metropoleis 167
The Foundation of Sybaris, Poseidonia, and Thurii 168
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Sybaris 170
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Poseidonia 171
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Thurii 172
i) The Cuit of Apollo the Founder? 172
ii) Apollo Karneios1
iii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 173
Sybaris, Thurii, and Delphi 173
The Foundation of Kroton and Terina 174
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Kroton 176
i) Apollo Pythios and Hyperboreas 176
ii) A Second Apollonion? 179
iii) Other Apolline Imagery on Coinage 179
iv) The Sanctuary of Apollo Alaios 180
The Evidence for the Cuit of Apollo at Terina 188
Kroton and Delphi 189
The Foundation of Kaulonia 190
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Kaulonia 191
i) The Sanctuary on Faro Hill 191
ii) The Doric Temple and Sanctuary at Punta Stilo 191
iii) Other Apolline Imagery on Coinage 197
The Foundation of Metapontion 197
The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Metapontion 198
i) The Sanctuary of Apollo Lykeios 198
ii) The Sanctuary of Apollo and Aristeas 205
iii) Apollo Karneios 210
iv) Other Apolline Imagery on Coinage 211
v) Apollo Lykeios at Cozzale Pizzarieddo 211
vi) A Statue of Apollo at Marconia 212
Metapontion and Delphi 212
The Megarian Colony of Megara Hyblaia and her Sub-Colony Selinous 213
The Evidence for the Cuits ofApollo in the Metropolis 213
The Foundation of Megara Hyblaia and Selinous 214
The Evidence for the Cuits ofApollo at Selinous 215
i) Temple C and Apollo Paianos 215
ii) An Offering for Apollo: The Temple G Inscription 221
iii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 222
Selinous and Delphi 223
A Late Phokaean Colony 223
The Evidence for the Cuits ofApollo in the Metropolis 223
The Foundation of Hyele 224
The Evidence for the Cuits ofApollo at Hyele 225
i) Apollo Ouliades/Oulios/Oulisl 225
ii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 226
The Cuits of Apollo at Mixed Settlements 226
The Cuit of Apollo Lybistinus on the Pachino Promontory 226
The Evidence for the Cuits ofApollo at Alaisa 227
i) A Temple of Apollo Archëgetësl 227
ii) Other Apolline Imagery on Coinage 228
The Foundation of Zankle-Messene and the Mamertine Conquest 228
The Evidence for the Cuits ofApollo Mamertine Era Messene 231
i) A Temple ofApollo? 231
ii) Apolline Imagery on Coinage 233
Conclusions – The Cuits ofApollo at Rhodian-Kretan, Achaean, Megarian, and
Phokean Colonies, Sub-Colonies, Later Foundations, and Mixed Settlements 234
Discussion 238
Conclusions – The Cuits of Apollo in Southern Italy and Sicily 241
Chapter Three – The Cuits of the Oikistës and the New-Oikistës 242
Introduction 242
Methodology and Associated Problems 242
The Phenomenon of Hero Cuits 244
The Founders of Cities and their Cuits 248
Tyrants, Kings, and Political Leaders as Founders and Re-Founders 253
The Evidence for Founders Cuits in Southern Italy and Sicily 255
Naxos 255
Leontini 256
Euboea 257
Rhegion 258
Mikythos of Rhegion’s Foundation of Pyxous 259
Zankle-Messene 260
Himera 262
Syracuse 264
Foundations and Re-Foundations by the Syracusan Tyrants 269
i) Hieron P s Re-Foundation ofKatane as Aetna 269
ii) Foundations and Re-Foundations by Dionysius I 272
iii) Foundations and Re-Foundations by Dionysius II 273
iv) Agathokles’ Re-Foundation of Segesta as Dikaiopolis 274
Kamarina 274
Taras 276
Herakleia 287
Gela 288
Akragas 293
Phintias of Akragas’ Eponymous Foundation 293
Poseidonia 294
Kroton 300
Metapontion 302
Tomb 8 atThapsos 303
Megara Hyblaia 304
Selinous 306
Herakleia Minoa 307
Discussion 308
Conclusions 311
Conclusions 313
Bibliography 318
Appendices 407
One – The Evidence for the Cuits of Apollo at Other Sites in Italy 407
Two – Foundations and Re-Foundations by Dionysius I in the Adriatic 410
Three-Tables 412
Four-Figures 440